CJ and I are on the way back home from our road trip and will be proud to call the Healthy Coffee House & Hub our home!
We are grateful to be able to experience life and community in Murphy, North Carolina! I apologize for anyone who's tried to find the healthy coffee house website! We changed servers etc and it slipped away! Hopefully you've been able to find Sharon and the coffee house despite the techno glitches!
We have lots of fun ideas on the way, including CJ's Open Mike Night and Karaoke, reiki healing circles, drum circles and more! Hope to see you there! The Healthy Coffee House & B,B, & B (Bed, Breakfast & Bakery-Cafe Bella Luna) is available for booking your events as well! Bring us the ideas, we are grateful to be the "Hub" for community in Murphy, NC and beyond!
Love & Abundance,
Carrie Gebbie, MS